The Jelly Bean Slide Mission Statement

If Jelly Bean Slide had a mission statement this is what it would be.
Jelly Bean Slide loves to teach kids in many ways, as you will see.
She loves to go on adventures and she learns things along the way,
but learning is only half the fun because you have to have time to play.
Jelly Bean Slide also knows that not every child has the same chances.
So Jelly Bean Slide would like you to know just exactly what her stance is.
She wants children to go on adventures and get outside and play;
imagining that they are a princess, astronaut, or explorer, if only just for one day.
Every child should have the opportunity to imagine and that’s what reading can do.
Jelly Bean Slide’s mission is to make those imaginations come true.
By sharing her adventures with children no matter who or where they are,
she can open up the minds of the next shining stars.
Jelly Bean Slide will fight for all children no matter their chances.
This is her mission statement. This is what her stance is.